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‘Authenticity’ is More Than Just A Buzzword Around Here


Are You the Face of Your Business or Your Industry?


Do You Need Serious Media Cut-through and an Image Kit You’re Insanely Proud of?


Do You Need to Show Up at the Very Top of Your Game?

Then Maybe it’s Time for Something Truly Different.


Behind the scenes in a session with portrait wizard, Jason Malouin


My definition of “Personal Branding” is Communicating your Superpower

I work with real people doing big things who care deeply about how they show up and the impact they have in the world.

Helping real people portray themselves with effortless authenticity, honesty and integrity.

‘Authenticity’ is not just a buzz word for me. I’m creating something way more powerful than branding here. I help you communicate who you are at your deepest by playfully exploring the complex and subtle body language & expressions you do all the time… and harness it for really meaningful connection to your audience.

I’ve worked with thousands of people over 10+ years. These days, I tend to work with the folks who really are the face of their business, niche or industry. But overall, no matter who... I love working with folks that are not comfortable in front of the camera.

I’m so lucky. I get to see the best in people… The vision and values that guide our lives - The vulnerabilities that give us our true strength - The purpose and direction that inspires trust - The smile that lights up the hearts of those around us. And finding the way to help you express that on camera is incredibly powerful.


Your Foundation for a World-Class Profile

Exceptional Portraits for Professionals on the Rise



Taking a Stand. Making a Difference


Increase your influence


Authentic Diversity and Depth


Stand out for all the right reasons.


Changing the World


Just the Right Tone


Show your value to the world


Look Like it Feels


Move your audience


Tell Your Whole Story


Crafting Your Image


Voice Your Vision


But I'm not 'photogenic' and I really don’t like having my photo taken…

Let me guess... You’ve done this before and it was super awkward to start out…

It didn’t get any better as you went along… and finished in frustration when you realised you barely got one image of yourself that you truly liked.

Let’s change that, shall we?

The Good News - Anyone Can DO ‘Photogenic’

Fortunately, you don't have to BE confident or authentic in front of the camera.  I show you (very simply) how to DO all the qualities you want to portray for the camera.

It sounds counterintuitive, but we don’t spend our time trying to take a great picture… I take you through a process of playing and exploring the possibilities of how and what we communicate in a flattering way. And that eliminates the pressure of ‘getting it right’ which allows us to move toward a great outcome.

Yes, there are a handful of people that just seem to radiate magic when photographed.  But anyone can DO "photogenic". It’s just a set of customised postures, positions, and expressions we gradually uncover which allows you to best express yourself.

I show you exactly how to more fully and honestly portray yourself in surprisingly flattering ways, directing you every step of the way.


What Determines a Successful Photoshoot?

My 3 Criteria for Outstanding Results



Of course, you want to look your best! And you want to feel great every single time you use your images. So first we figure out how to do that. Everyone’s different, so we start with what you do naturally and just explore what’s possible from there.



If you look good but there’s no intention... no real personality or authenticity coming through, then what’s the point? They fall flat and have zero effect on your audience. I show you how to infuse the photos with meaning based on how you naturally express yourself.



Since my photos appear in magazines, books and publications all over the world, I frame the images with lots of negative space, giving you and your designers maximum flexibility for layout and copy - whether that's for a new website, a simple brochure or an international magazine cover.


Check out the short videos below that explain a bit more detail of exactly how I get incredible results for everyone.


Setting You Up For Success

How do we determine what a successful shoot looks like? And how do I make sure it happens every time?


Understand Your Audience

Deeply understanding your audience helps us create images that really cut through and make an impact.


Making You Look Great

Understanding the flow… Learning the tools and tricks… The myth of “photogenic”…


Communicating With Integrity

The body language of photography… Understanding authenticity… Learning to portray yourself


See Yourself Like Never Before

Signature Sessions for Incredible Individuals or Dynamic Duos


A Fresh, New Approach to Portrait Photography

Driven by Authenticity + Purpose + Connection


Take a look Behind the Scenes at what goes on inside a portrait session


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I try to get one out every month, but sometimes it’s a bit longer in between. I definitely do not flood your inbox with ‘spammy’ crap.

  • Updates on Upcoming Sessions/ Cities

  • Tips and tricks how to get the most out of your images

  • Useful tools to enhance your online profile