7 Questions to Help Choose the Winning-est Shots
Most people think that the photo shoot itself will be the hardest part of the experience. And I won’t lie… it’s quite a work out. It takes a surprising amount of energy and effort on your part to play along.
But interestingly, once the photoshoot is over there’s still quite a challenging task ahead.
I try to make it as easy as I can to help you make your selections. I give you a highly curated set of shots so you’re not sitting there with hundreds of duplicates; becoming overwhelmed and frustrated.
But it’s still a challenge because each one of the images you get in your image gallery has been selected for a few different factors. I’m always looking to share maximum diversity of expression and impact.
Sometimes, you see one and just know immediately… gut feeling, intuition… “That’s a winner”.
But often, the choice can be overwhelming so I thought I’d help by sharing the 7 questions I ask myself to select the favourites.
#1 Is it flattering?
This is a simple one. Do you look great? And if not, is it something simple that can be fixed in photoshop? So if you see something you love, but some detail is ruining it, just ask if it’s fixable. The answer is often yes.
#2 Does it matter?
Is there something in this image that makes me feel something? Is there something that the viewer can connect to? Is there meaning and intention built into the expression? Is it the “right” meaning?
#3 Is it honest/ authentic?
One thing that helps determine honesty & authenticity is “Effortlessness”. Does the expression or moment feel effortless? If so, you’re on the right track. If it looks or feels like there was effort in achieving the shot, there’s going to be a disconnect for your audience.
#4 Does it connect?
Does the viewer feel as if they are right there with you in that moment? Does it feel like we are both “in on the same joke”?
#5 Is there diversity of expression?
When you’re choosing your shots, you want to make sure you pick a variety for use in different media or with different audiences. During the shoot we work through a complex and subtle range of expression so that, down the line, you have the right shot for the job when you go to use them.
#6 Does it STILL matter?
After all that scrutiny and consideration… Does it still ‘land’? Does it still resonate with something deeper to me as the viewer? Can I recognise something deeper within myself? What does it make me feel?
#7 Am I proud of it?
Is this image something you’d be proud to show the world? Imagine sending that particular shot out - right now - for an imaginary podcast interview or talk you’re giving. How do you feel about sending that shot?
Bonus Track!
I suggest you choose one shot that pushes you out of your comfort zone a little (or a lot!).
Choose one that is more powerful than you ever imagined… Or one that is more playful than you’d normally think of yourself… Or one that maybe even feels a little questioning or challenging to the viewer.
Remember. This is Communication. No one communicates one way. We all have a bag of tools that we use to communicate in different circumstances and this is the same.